my idea of Heaven
Heaven is not in the hereafter.
Heaven is in the here and now.
Right Here. Right Now.
if i walk mindfully, i can glimpse Heaven.
if i peel the potatoes knowing the Presence of God, i can glimpse Heaven.
if i wash up, just wash up, i can touch Heaven.
when i sit with my friend and we truly listen to one another, together we take a small step into the Kingdom of God.
if i can sit with my enemy and we can truly listen to one another, together we can take a great leap into Heaven.
Heaven is a place of inward stillness, where the Presence of God is known, where all are aware of the Love of God.
It is not a quiet place, It is not an empty place, and It is definitely not a lonely place. Everyone is there, even if many of them don’t know it yet.
if i can reach out to anyone and everyone i meet and show God’s Love for them, together we can take a small step towards Heaven.